I met Lauren on the phone while she was studying for her bar exam. She had planned most of the wedding, but wanted someone else to be in charge on her weddingday. We instantly clicked on the phone, and she told me that she and Peter felt that I was an answer to prayer! What a compliment! It's always an honor to get to be a part of a wedding that is so focused on Jesus as the center. I enjoyed spending time with this wedding party which was a really fun group. The bridesmaids prayed for the bride in the balcony of the church before the wedding. The members of her house party were extremely helpful. The ceremony took place at St. Mary's Catholic Church and the reception was at the Hilton. I'm not really sure how the ceremony went, because I spent the entire mass holding a fussy baby whose parents were both in the wedding party. They had asked a sweet college girl to watch the baby for them. After the wedding party was down the aisle, and the ceremony had begun, I heard the baby fussing. I went over to see what was happening and saw a young girl who looked terrified and hopeless to help this beautiful little girl. I offered to hold the baby and figured out basic needs that needed to be met; burping, change of diaper, feeding. All actions you learn to do as a mom of four! I finally got her to sleep at the end of the service, and the college girl was grateful as well as the parents! I was thinking that I can now add to my job description: "Will hold fussy baby, if neccessary." But then again, that's what I do: whatever it takes to make your day happen.
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