I recently planned a wedding for Ricci and Jason. They hired me in January and the wedding was not until December, so I got to spend a lot of time with them and really get to know them. They are a sweet, easy-going couple that seem so comfortable around each other. Ricci has a really great sense of humor, and I liked them both from the start! Her number one priority was the cake- she wanted a delicous cake that everyone would remember how good it was for years. The cake lady that Ricci chose was Mary Burkhalter with Heavenly Crumbs, and the cake was beautiful AND delicious!
The wedding took place just outside of Bryan/College Station at 7F Lodge which is an outdoor facility in Welborn, TX. It was drizzling in the morning, but turned out to be an absolutely perfect day for an outdoor wedding. J squared did the catering and Lori Luza was the photographer. The videographer, Magination Video, came from Waco and the DJ, Chris Austin from KORA 98.3 did his first wedding that evening and did a great job!
As a wedding planner, I get the privilege of being a part of the most important day in a married couple's life. It is the day that they join together as one and make a convenant to love and honor each other through better and worse. I find myself praying for them during the ceremony because I know that marriage can be a rough road, but with commitment, compromise and patience, they have a lot to look forward to in their lives. It was no different for Ricci and Jason. I prayed for them to have the kind of marriage that the Lord intended for them to have and that their wedding day would only be the beginning of their joy.