Last Sunday I coordinated a wedding where the B&G bought their cake from a local store. The groom brought the cake at 3:00 and I told him I would take care of setting it up so that he could go get dressed and get his pictures made. He gave me a list of other responsibilities to take care of before leaving the reception hall. I opened the cake box to find that all the flowers (which were made from frosting and were supposed to be on the top of the cake) had melted and run to the bottom. The cake was a disaster! There was no time to get a replacement cake, so I decided to salvage it. The photographer didn't believe that I could do it, which made it even more of a challenge. So, I worked for

about 15 minutes, and was not getting anywhere. The dye that had colored the flowers was running into the frosting. It didn't look any better than when I st
arted. Then, the bride's mom came over and I told her what had happened. She suggested that I use the artificial rose petals that they had spread on the table. BINGO!!! I put those on top of the ruined frosting and pulled some artificial flowers from the various arrangements around the room. The only thing I needed was wire cutters to make the stems on the flowers shorter. We tried using a pocket knife- no good. So, I announced to the small crowd of family that had already gathered, "Does anyone have any wire cutters?" The groom's father did! I couldn't believe

it! (I made a note to myself to bring a pair of wire cutters to every wedding from then on, because you NEVER know!) So, with a few clips of wire, and the strategic placing of flowers (I have watched many florists do this in the past) I made the cake look spectacular (at least from the front) The skeptical photographer was impressed and a guest who used to make cakes said that she would have never known that it had been ruined in the first place! It was one of my prouder moments and that's how I saved the cake!